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Here is My story: 

Choose any subject: POLITICS,I BELEVE..., 


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             your neighbor, etc., etc., to express what they think about it.               Say whatever it is in your mind. WHATEVER!

Please note: We can not publish materials that are contain threats, too offensive, encourage violence, with foul and demining language and/or unappropriated suggestions.     


You are on the RELATIONSHIP Forum.

Here are a questions of the day:


 Your Experience, Your Mistakes, Your Stories, All guys are the same?, All ladies are .. wonderful, etc., etc.

Here is My story 

Publish your opinion or freely say whatever it is in your mind about anything you care about.
​Let entire World to see it!

We met 9 years ago at art studio and fall in love almost instantaneously. Get married one year later. Now we have 6 yeas old son. 3 month ago she told me that she fall in love with her coworker and she left me. In September, 2 month later, she told me that it was a big mistake, like nightmare, ask for forgiveness, and said she begging me to forgive her, so we continue raising our son together. 

Should I forgive her??? Would you???


My parents are very strange people. As far as I know, they never cheat on each other for 47 years. (they married when they both were 20 years old.) When they look at each other, it looks like they were married just yesterday! My God! I wish I find someone in my life to have the same.



In high school I fall in love with Alex, the most attractive boy in my class. We dated till graduation, went to different colleges and did not see each other for almost 5 years. We spoke just occasionally. Then I saw him first time on reunion party. O my God!... It was like to see different person. Sranger! Not only I find him very unattractive, but also not so smart. It was a big shock. Was it me? Did anybody ever experienced the same?
