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​COPD and Asthma: Between $100-290Billion
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) includes the lung diseases emphysema and chronic bronchitis. COPD is usually caused by smoking, so quit to cut your risk. Air pollution, dust, and chemical fumes can also cause COPD. You're more likely to have asthma if someone in your family has it. To control asthma attacks, avoid your triggers, like tobacco smoke, dust mites, and pollution. Take any medicines prescribed by your doctor.

​​Joint Disorders: $80.8 Billion
The older we get, the more likely we are to have joint problems. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type of arthritis. It's a main reason for knee and hip replacements. Weight loss can help lower your chance of OA. Try low-impact exercises like swimming and bicycling to keep your joints working without pain.
Obesity: $190.2 Billion
More than one-third of U.S. adults and 17% of U.S. children are obese, a condition that can lead to heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, and certain types of cancer, such as endometrial and colon cancers. 
Obesity is defined in adults as having a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or higher. In children, obesity is measured according to gender and age. But children who have excess body fat are also vulnerable to heart disease and other medical conditions. 
Talk to your doctor about a weight loss plan, and start moving more!
low Back and Neck Problems: $87.9 Billion
Almost everyone has low back pain at some point, usually because of injury. It can also result from conditions like arthritis. For a stronger back, exercise to improve muscle strength, flexibility, and posture. Try yoga, swimming, or bicycling. Lose extra weight, take care when lifting, and don't smoke. Take breaks if you sit a lot and make sure you have a well-designed work space.
High Blood Pressure: $46 Billion
Having high blood pressure raises your risk of heart disease and stroke. Because there are no symptoms, get your blood pressure checked regularly. Exercise often, eat less salt, and don't smoke. Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and limit alcohol. Manage your stress -- try yoga, meditation, or deep breathing.

How much our health problems cost us annually?  Here are some numbers:

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Lower back pain and sleep
Several studies have shown that poor sleep quality and lower back pain are correlated.
A cross-sectional study conducted among 9,611 participants concluded that lower back pain is associated with short sleep duration and poor sleep quality.
In another study researchers assessed sleep quality and pain intensity in 80 patients with lower back pain. They observed that a night of poor sleep quality was followed by a day with higher pain intensity.
Furthermore, a day with higher pain intensity was associated with a decrease in the subsequent night’s sleep quality, suggesting a bidirectional relationship between sleep quality and pain intensity in patients with lower back pain.
Although previous research has shown that poor sleep quality is common in patients with lower back pain, the causal relationship between sleep quality and lower back pain remains unclear.

Dementia and sleep: What do we know about this link?
Dementia affects at least 55 million people worldwide and the number is increasing by about 10 million every year. In part, this is because we are living longer, but dementia is not an inevitable part of aging. So, are there ways to decrease our risk of developing dementia? Much research is currently focusing on the potential role of sleep.
Sleep is a factor that can either be protective or risky for cognitive health. The effects of sleep on cognitive health depend on the attributes of an individual’s sleep, including the quality, quantity, frequency, and even the regularity of sleep.According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “dementia is currently the seventh leading cause of death among all diseases and one of the major causes of disability and dependency among older people globally.”
The WHO states that around 55 million people have dementia, and by 2050 the number is likely to be almost 140 million. Between 60% and 70% of people with dementia have Alzheimer’s disease.
Dementia is primarily a disease of old age, although young-onset dementia where symptoms begin before the age of 65 — accounts for about 9%of cases. However, dementia is not an inevitable consequence of aging.
There is a genetic component to dementia — if you have a close relative with dementia, this might increase your risk. However, several studies have shown that even those with a hereditary risk can reduce it by adopting a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding smoking and too much alcohol.
 And many researchers are now seeing connections between sleep and dementia

CBD for sleeping
Are you looking for the best CBD for sleep and relaxation? According to the National Sleep Foundation, millions of Americans every year are affected by sleep-related problems, with roughly 1 in 5 struggling with poor sleep. In addition, full-blown insomnia affects up to 15% of the U.S. population. These are worrying statistics when considering just how vital sleep is to our everyday health and well-being. Sleep is incredibly restorative, playing a crucial role in repairing the body and mind.
Sleep deprivation is linked to a higher risk of several health concerns, including depression, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, memory issues, and weight gain. Things like mindfulness and meditation have worked wonders for people in restoring quality sleep, but if you need something more, CBD may be the answer.
Also known as cannabidiol, CBD has become an increasingly popular sleep aid, hailed by users as helping them to get a restful night’s sleep without the grogginess and other side effects that accompany traditional sleeping pills. In the  future, we will let you know which brans is considered safe and reputable, as well as information about dosages.

Medical Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Medical error is the nation’s third leading cause of death, behind only cancer and heart disease, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins. They estimate that it causes more than 250,000 deaths each year. You can do a few things to help your medical team avoid some of the most common ones.
If you get the wrong drug or amount, it can cause serious problems. Some are powerful, and it can be tricky to give them in a dose that’s both safe and effective. A lack of training, human error, and poor communication can all lead to mistakes. Pay attention, ask questions, and keep an updated list of your medicines so your doctor knows about any other drugs you take.
And if you take them too often when you don’t need to, they might stop working for you. It’s important that your doctor prescribes them for the right reason, and at the correct dose. Don’t ask for them if you don’t need them.

It’s no fun being in a hospital, but you shouldn’t be rushed home before you’re ready. Studies show that people who go home too quickly, especially after surgery, are more likely to get seriously ill again because of related problems. But you don’t want to stay too long, either. That’s linked to higher rates of infection and other problems. Be honest and clear with your doctor about your symptoms so you can get the treatment you need, then get home and stay there.
The most dramatic example of this is when a surgeon takes off the wrong limb, but it also can happen if they operate on the wrong organ or even the wrong person. The layout of the surgery room, distractions, and running behind schedule can all lead to this. One thing you can do is make sure the right area on your body is marked before surgery.
It's rare, but it's possible for the surgical team to accidentally leave something like a sponge or instrument inside your body. This can lead to serious internal problems, including an abscess (pus or infected fluid inside inflamed tissue), a blockage, small tears, infection, or inflammation. Signs of these issues include severe pain, swelling, fever, nausea, and changes in your bowel movements. Tell your doctor right away if you have any of these symptoms after surgery.

Delay in Treatment                                                                                                                                                                 This is when you don’t get the medical care you need when you’re supposed to. It can happen during diagnosis -- like if you're not scheduled for a test in a timely way, the results are late, or there’s a misdiagnosis -- or during treatment after you find out what’s wrong. Human error, bad communication, and poor planning, among other things, can cause delays. If you don’t hear back from your doctor, don’t assume things are OK. Call to get your results and ask about next steps.
Just because you told one doctor what drugs you take, that doesn’t mean all your doctors know. Tell your care providers -- several times if necessary -- if you take medication or have bad drug reactions or other health problems. It’s also good to write them down and make sure a loved one knows as well. They can get mixed up, lost, or just plain forgotten in the communication between different health care professionals.
What You Can Do:
Ask your doctor about your condition and treatments, and find reliable online sources to learn more about them. It’s important to understand how drugs or procedures will affect you. And don’t hesitate to ask why they’re recommending something.
If you have question or concerns, don’t be afraid to ask. You have the right to question anyone involved in your care. You may help your care providers avoid a mistake that could set your health back.
You can choose a health care professional, such as your primary care doctor, to coordinate your care. It can help cut down on confusion and mistakes, especially if you have multiple health problems and doctors or are in the hospital. 
Get a friend or family member to come with you when you see doctors or have a hospital stay to help keep track of your care. You may feel in command of all the details now, but that may change as your condition and treatment progress, especially if you have surgery. 
If you’ll be at a hospital for a procedure or testing that’s planned, take the time to read up on the facility. If you have a choice, choose one that has lots of experience with your condition.

Rapid-acting magnet therapy 
In October 2021, researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine published a study demonstrating the effectiveness of a new, rapid-acting magnet therapy on patients with treatment-resistant depression. SAINT, or Stanford accelerated intelligent neuromodulation therapy, is a more intensive and individualized iteration of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), which has been in use for years. This past September, the FDA cleared the new therapy for marketing, paving the way for SAINT to be used in clinics and hospitals across the country. 
Both SAINT and TMS utilize magnetic pulses to stimulate regions of the brain. TMS is a standardized protocol that requires six weeks of near-daily treatment. It uses 600 pulses per session, and each session lasts about 40 minutes; only around half of patients see improvement, with a third going into remission. SAINT, on the other hand, employs MRI to determine the best location to target within each patient’s unique prefrontal cortex, and uses 1,800 pulses per three-minute session. 
After five days of the magnet therapy, 78.6% of patients in the active group no longer felt symptoms of depression. Four weeks after the treatment had been completed, those in the active treatment group continued to experience a mean reduction of 52.5% in their baseline depression rating, a figure determined via the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS). 

Time-restricted eating
Researchers have reviewed the evidence for the health benefits of time-restricted eating, in which people only eat during a window of time each day. They found that it helps to loose weight and keep it at healthy level. Researchers also discovered evidence that time-restricted eating can help prevent and manage various chronic metabolic diseases as well.
So, what is it and how it may effect our health in general and sleep quality in particular?
Time-restricted eating, TRE, is simply a window of time each day, in which people eat as much as they want to and then take a break for number of ours during which no any amount of food is taken. Nothing. Zero. Usually during the night time. It could be 6, 8,10, or 12 hours for each fasting period. 12 hours is considered the most effective.
As far as scheduling concerns, many people reporting works the best for them is the following: 1st meal at 8AM, then eat as much as you want it till 6PM. Then eat a little smaller amount till 8PM. That's it. Absolutely nothing between 8PM and 8AM. 12 hours. Some people prefer 10 hours. It's easier, but apparently slightly less effective.
The benefits of TRE may go far beyond potentially loosing some weight and get improved sleeping. 
“Animal studies so far have shown that time-restricted eating affects many organs and even the gut microbiome in a beneficial way. Several pathways and molecules that are associated with metabolic diseases, such as prediabetes, diabetes, adiposity […], fatty liver disease, and certain cancers are modulated in a desirable way by time-restricted feeding,” said Prof. Panda, from the Regulatory Biology Laboratory at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, CA. The key benefit of time-restricted eating is its potential to help correct a person’s disrupted Circadian Rhythm, which is series of processes in the body that operate over a 24-hour cycle. Circadian rhythms evolved in response to changes in light, temperature, humidity, and access to nutrients that occur as a consequence of the Earth’s day and night cycle. If someone has a disrupted Circadian Rhythm, they are at risk of different health issues, including metabolic diseases, cancers, immune system problems, mood changes, and reproductive issues.
It is important to understand that the Circadian Rhythms associated with the peripheral organs and the majority of the brain are primarily affected by the timing of nutrition intake. As a consequence, time-restricted eating that involves an overnight fasting period has the potential to support Circadian Rhythms and reduce the risk of the negative health effects to which a disrupted Circadian Rhythm can lead.
Despite the fact that many researchers found that time-restricted eating seems to have low risk for most individuals, including those with type 2 diabetes, we advise anybody to consult with medical professionals before beginning Time Restricted Eating, (TRE) program. Please, Do it.

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Diabetes: $245 Billion
Nearly one-quarter of people with diabetes don't know they have it. Diabetes can lead to heart and kidney disease, eye problems, nerve damage, and many other issues. To lower your chance of getting diabetes, eat a well-balanced diet, exercise 30 minutes at least five days a week, and keep your weight under control. If you already have diabetes, eat right and exercise, monitor your blood sugar, and take your medicine.​​
Cancer: $225.8 Billion
More than 15 million Americans have some form of cancer. But cancer death rates have been falling for more than 10 years. To lower some of your risk, don't smoke and cut back on alcohol. Also, stick to a healthy diet, exercise, and always wear sunscreen. Make sure you get all screening tests suggested by your doctor.

All materials provided by our readers for information purposes only and have not being evaluated by our staff or by any medical professionals we aware of. We advise you to consult with qualified healthcare providers before making any important decisions.