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Here are your latest posts:
I wish I could go to different high school, but I can't. You have to go to school where you reside. Nothing I can do about it. I always dreamed about to become a scientist. Do experiments, make discoveries, help people to make their lives better. Well, our chemistry teacher, Mrs. Engelhardt, successfully made Chemistry the most hated subject of all. Probably, she angry on entire world. To bad.
Mallisa. Logan High
If you are looking for the best teacher in the best collage, here they are: Mr. Scott Goodkowsky, fantastic literature teacher at Skidmore College. Not only he teaches creative writing, but also challenge us to write on original subjects and poetry. Tough but fun!
Jackie. Skidmore College
My teacher, Mr. Schneider, god less his hart, once told me that I am not going to get life-time profession at our university. Well... Maybe... But rather expend my brain capacity. So, I would be more equipped to choose what ever I want to do in my life. Sure enough, I've been able to take couple courses and now love my job, (making over $140K), which have nothing to do with my major at university. I wouldn't be capable to take those courses if I didn't study totally unrelated subjects at NYU. So, study hard. You'll appreciate it later on.
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your neighbor, etc., etc., to express what they think about it. Say whatever it is in your mind. WHATEVER!
Choose any subject: POLITICS,I BELEVE IN...,
Please note: We can not publish materials that are contain threats, too offensive, encourage violence, with foul and demining language and/or unappropriated suggestions.
Here are your latest posts:
My teacher, Mr. Latour, said I have to fight back and never be afraid. And don't be ashamed to tell parents and teachers. Easy to say. Then everybody will know that I am "no good chicken". I did it once. Get worth. So, we are going get together and beat the hell out of bullers. Anybody have the same?
Peter. Newton High
"There’s a crisis of bullying in US schools, and the solution is learning what to do before it happens.
One in 5 students report being bullied, according to data from the National Center for Educational Statistics. The US government website StopBullying.gov defines bullying behavior as an imbalance of power between perpetrator and victim, and repeated (or potential for repeated) incidents."
I am a Teacher. The biggest problem in our education system is a low level of expectation from all levels of students and a lack of focus on the results. Instead of concentrating on maximum stimulation and encouragement of students with lower than average performance, we forced to low standards of education for all students. As a result, general level of education in US steadily going down. For how long?
Michelle Acivedo.
iSAYNOW club
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Bad and good Teachers, To cheat on exam or not, Your Dorm, Your School, Bullying, etc., etc.
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