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PAIN - NO More!!!

The health related information provided on this website  is intended for your general knowledge only and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Never delay seeking medical advice or not to follow it because of anything that appears on this site. Always seek the advice of qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition or health concerns.  Any statements, descriptions, visual illustrations, references, evaluations, third party evaluations and opinions, etc., etc., on this site is provided for information purposes and for your general knowledge only. Betterself15.com does not evaluate information provided by third parties or our sponsors, who placed their advertising on its pages, and can not be responsible for its accuracy. 

For Men & Women PRIVATE...

 Info changes DAILY.  ENJOY and TELL friends! 


Please never drive or operate any machinery while using the relaxation Programs.​​
Programs does not intend to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

All you need is 39 minutes of uninterrupted time and good earbuds. Just relax and enjoy the great results. You 'll love it! 

Real ​bargain price - just $40.00

Publish your opinion or freely say whatever it is in your mind about anything you care about.
​Let entire World to see it!

Get it for yourself or for somebody you care about. That would be gift that keeps on giving!

ANXIETY No More ​is a powerful segment of the highly effective Better Self Today program which offers painless solution to common life challenges like Stress, Anxiety, Fear of Exam, Overeating, Claustrophobia, Fear of Flying, Sleeping problems, Fear of Heights, and many more… It is proved to be the most effective, painless, and easiest method to replace unwanted or self-destructive behavioral patterns with the beneficial ones, in a shortest period of time.
SIDE EFFECTS may include raised self-confidence, higher self-esteem and self-respect.

​Seat back, relax and enjoy this 39 min. powerful session. Enjoy safest and amazingly effective way to get rid of ANXIETY and enhance your ability to relax and simply focus on important tasks.

Anxiety may effect your mind, body, and behavior in adverse way. There are many types of Anxiety Disorder which are effecting your life and lives of people around you. When Anxiety is constant and overwhelming, it interferes with your daily routine, stay on your way to achieving your goals, disrupts your relationships, your ability to function  normally,  and more...
Persistent Anxiety Attacks may lead to: OBESITY, INSOMNIA, OCD - (OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER),  HEADACHES, CHRONIC  FATIGUE, CONSTANT MUSCLE TENSION, and other unwanted conditions. It can raise blood pressure, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, contribute to infertility, and speed up the aging process. BetterSelf15.com Program works wonder by itself or with any professional intervention. 

Please leave your requests, messages, suggestions, and comments here.
We always deeply appreciate it and happy to publish it in iSAYNOW pages, if you wish.

Your feed-back is greatly appreciated: allbargainsclub@gmail.com

"Feel so much better".
"I couldn't believe, but it works!"
"Better than any pills."
"God bless Dr. Moyseev."
"My 15-years old daughter feel so much better."
"Thank you"
"Used it twice a week. What a difference!!!"
"It feels like I dropped tons of weight from my shoulders."

Your feed-back is greatly appreciated: allbargainsclub@gmail.com

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Here are some users comments:

No More Anxiety and Panic Attacks. React on challenging situations calmly and confidently.


Q. & A.

  Q.   What is the best way to use the Program?
A.   There are a few but important suggestions: you need to have about 39 minutes of uninterrupted time in a quiet, private setting and good quality headphones. If interrupted, even for a short period of time, please start over.  It is important: DO NOT PAY MUCH ATTENTION TO THE VOICE. Just relax and enjoy the music;

 Q.   What is the best time of a day to use it for a better results?
A.   Any time is good, but the best of all if you use it twice a day: first thing in the morning and just before the bed time.

 Q.   How long will it take to achieve a positive result? How many times should I use it?
A.   As you probably noticed in life, there are no two people are alike.  We all have different degrees of fear of failure, different system of believes, roots of behavioral patterns, etc. For some of us it takes just 2-3 sessions, for others up to 2-3 weeks. But it's so much worth it.

 Q.  Will positive results be permanent?
A.   Yes. Once our mind completely accepts positive changes, it’s  become a permanent part of the system of believes and we think and behave accordingly.

 Q.   Is Better Self Today Program compatible with other self-improvements programs?
A.   Absolutely! What’s more, when used in combination with other systems or therapies, too often BetterSelf15.com takes a leading role and helps to achieve positive results much faster and easier.

Q.   Is it Hypnosis?
A.   No, it is not a Hypnosis. Better Self Today is so effective because it employs original symbiosis of Guided Imagery, Sounds Algorithms and Affirmations, in deep relaxation environment.

Q.  I just begin to use Better Self Today and already see some positive results. Should I quit going to my doctor?
A.   No. Once you begin your therapy with any medical professional, only she or he can determine if you achieved your objective or not. Severe psychological or psychiatric disorders must always be treated only by licensed physicians.

Q.   Is it suitable for teenagers?
A.   Yes. Above and beyond, it helps teenagers to raise self-esteem, reduce fears, gain confidence and feeling of self-worthiness.

Q.   Why should I use Affirmations?
A.   Affirmations are very important part of the Better Self Today Program. They are very powerful reinforcement of the message and help subconscious mind to make positive changes.

Q.   Is it O.K. to use Better Self Today Program in a group sessions?
A.   Yes. Better Self Today Program successfully used in groups as small as 3 and as large as 130 people. In order to be effective, there are only few but important requirements to be followed: room must have a very good audio system, chairs must be very comfortable, and during the session there should be absolutely no distractions like walking, talking or outside noises.

Q.   Is there any side effects?
A.   Yes. There are 3 major side effects:  Increased Self-Confidence, Increased Self-Respect, and Increased Self-Esteem.

Q.   What are Dr. Moyseev’s credentials?
A.   Dr. Alex G. Moyseev  graduated medical school as MD - Neurology, and received PhD  in Psychology 3 years later. Experienced in clinical and educational fields. Member of American Psychological Association (APA) and Association For Psychological Science (APS).


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You'll be glad you did. 


New, interesting and useful information, as well as great offers periodically coming to these pages. Send us your (no obligations), "let me know" message, to receive updates: conact@betterself15.com

You are on the"ANXIETY No More"... floor now
Say good-bye to Stress and Panic Attacks.
React on any challenging situation calmly and confidently.