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PAIN - NO More!!!

The health related information provided on this website  is intended for your general knowledge only and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Never delay seeking medical advice or not to follow it because of anything that appears on this site. Always seek the advice of qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition or health concerns.  Any statements, descriptions, visual illustrations, references, evaluations, third party evaluations and opinions, etc., etc., on this site is provided for information purposes and for your general knowledge only. Betterself15.com does not evaluate information provided by third parties or our sponsors, who placed their advertising on its pages, and can not be responsible for its accuracy. 

For Men & Women PRIVATE...

 Info changes DAILY.  ENJOY and TELL friends! 


Please never drive or operate any machinery while using the relaxation Programs.​​
Programs does not intend to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

More coming SOON!

Complete Support For Healthy Joints, Back and Muscles

As our bodies ages, we loose some and we gain some.

Unfortunately, it is not always beneficial process. 

As a rule, we gain some, or lots of FATTY tissue, and loose some of the very important building material - the COLLAGEN.

Since COLLAGEN is very important for skin to be firm and elastic, luck of it makes skin look old and not attractive. 

What's, even more important, Collagen is a main building block for all CARTILAGES between bones through out the entire body.

​There for, with Collagen  deficiency, not only we look older, but, even worth, our bones are grinding on each other and nerves in between. 

As a result of it - Pain and Damages.

 Fortunately, to deal with these problems, we found recently created  great and highly efficient remedies. 

Please, keep in mind: there is no remedy created that fits all.
There for, it is worthy to keep trying till you find your perfect solution.

Here are the BEST solutions to choose from:

Pain and Aches Relief Formula